
Become a Friend of Lincoln Symphony Orchestra!

Like many amateur orchestras, Lincoln Symphony Orchestra relies entirely upon members’ subscriptions, ticket sales and the support of its Friends to continue the tradition of live music in Lincoln. The orchestra is greatly indebted to the support it receives from its Friends and your involvement has never been more important to its future. We appreciate there are multiple calls on your resources, but a regular and reliable income helps the orchestra plan ahead.

If you can pledge £20 or more annually you will receive a number of benefits including:

  • Your name in the programme and on our website as an acknowledgement of your support
  • A free programme at each concert
  • News, updates and reminders of concerts sent via email
  • An invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting
  • Annual newsletter

For further information and to join our Friends scheme please send an email to:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you to our current Friends…

Mr N and Mrs L Peel – Life Friends
Mrs S Bower                            Mr T Davey
Mr S Jack                                  Mrs C LeBrun
Mrs B Mann                             Mr J Moorhouse
Mr and Mrs S Nightingale     Dr M Ott
Mr and Mrs PS Peel                Mrs M Rance
Mr M and Mrs A Scott            Mr C Steward

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